Hip Hop Instrumentals


instrumental beats

When you buy these hip hop instrumentals or beats you have a right on the music for one derivative work like adding additional music elements and adding vocals to the track along with changing the speed of the music and also to edit and add effects to create your own derivate work based on its purchased. You can also release the derivative work on CDs or digital downloads or license for TV shows, commercials or movies without the necessary of paying any additional amount other than the initial price to buy the track. However, this can all be done by adding vocals and not using the music as it is for other purposes. You should also credit on releasing the derivative work as the music producer or writer and don't have any copyright claim on the music.

Instrumental Beats


However, when you are buying hip hop instrumentals or beats from the online source you have to remember that there is no exclusivity to the music sold to you as they may also been put up for sale on other sites also. However, you can bring uniqueness to the music by adding your derivatives to release in the market. All those who have the talent to compose tracks can use this site to upload their works quoting their prices for the instrumentals beats to make money as well as get recognition in the music world to find many other opportunities.